SWARCO delivers new car park system for Warwick University

Parking technology provider SWARCO has installed a complete parking and traffic management solution at Warwick University to reduce congestion across the whole campus. The University’s upgraded its transport plans to cope with an expected 40 per cent rise in student numbers over the next ten years. It needed to fix traffic because drivers were struggling […]
Law Commissions in the UK publish second consultation on automated vehicles

Adopting national licensing for operators of Highly Automated Road Passenger Services (HARPS) for all vehicles and flexible regulation that encourages innovation has been the consensus of opinion coming from the Law Commission’s latest consultation on automated vehicles. However, view were divided on who should administer the operator licensing scheme: whether a new agency or an […]
ADEPT supports local authorities with Green Finance Toolkit

Green finance could play a significant role in the long term economic recovery from Covid-19, according to the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) To support local authorities, ADEPT and Amey have published the Green Finance Toolkit. The toolkit has been designed to support place leaders seeking to develop a strategic […]
Highways specialist delivers social distancing solutions

As the world starts to emerge from the post Covid lockdown Neil Levett, the past owner of industry websites, magazines and associated industry events, has launched a new website designed to keep site-based personnel and office staff compliant with social distancing rules whilst working safely. Levett has launched his new site www.keep2m.co.uk which contains innovative products, services […]
Telford & Wrekin Councils welcome M54-M6 plans

Telford & Wrekin Council has welcomed plans for the new north bound M54 – M6 Link road as part of a government planning enquiry. The council says the new proposed link is critical to the long term success of Telford and Wrekin as a destination for inward investment, jobs and growth. The project aims to help […]
Ford patents inflatable solar panel

Ford has come up with an interesting way to charge electric cars – a solar panel which grows beyond its roof when it’s parked. The website GearPatrol.com has spotted a patent application lodged in the US which shows how the retractable cover extends across a vehicle, increasing the area of solar panels and therefore the […]
A focus on ‘greener’ transport could create 15 million jobs world-wide

The current focus on investment and transformation in the transport sector world-wide could create up to 15 million new jobs and help countries move to greener, healthier economies. This forms part of a new report, Jobs in green and healthy transport: making the green shift, from the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the International […]
Mobileye CEO predicts consolidation in CAV industry

The head of Intel-owned Mobileye says companies will have to consolidate in the autonomous vehicle sector because it’ll be too difficult for independent businesses to co-operate. Reuters quotes Amnon Shashua as saying the strategy of individual companies focusing on one component, like safety, sensors or maps, is not sustainable because it’s an “end-to-end system” that […]
Porsche invests in “simulated sense of touch” solution

Carmaker Porsche is taking a minority stake in Israeli technology company Tactile Mobility which has a solution to artificially give a car “a sense of touch”. The solution simulates touch by using an algorithm to process data that is provided by existing sensors and is used to, for example, improve assessment of friction coefficient between […]