Three weeks to complete Thriving at Work Survey 2020

There are now just three weeks for your organisation to complete the Safer Highways Thriving at Workplace Survey, benchmarking the provision of workplace mental health support Before its closing date of Friday 30th October. Last year Safer Highways sampled the 100 biggest organisations who work, not only on the strategic road network, but also who […]

Surrey goes out to tender on ‘innovative’ highway maintenance contract

Surrey County Council has started the procurement process for a new high highway maintenance contract which could be worth as much as £25 billion over a 21-year period. In a contract notice, the council said it wishes to put in place a contract which delivers both its ‘core highways maintenance services and also facilitates an […]

Daimler launches new mobility insurance business

Daimler has signed a strategic partnership with reinsurer Swiss Re to deliver automotive and mobility insurance from a new company they’ve called Movinx. Their business model is to develop fully digital automotive and mobility insurance products that, as they put it, “both fulfil changing customer needs and offer best-in-class service quality.” They say their new […]

HE courts graduates to “build network of the future”

Highways England is recruiting a new intake of graduates as it embarks on what it calls an exciting multi-billion investment programme for the country’s strategic road network.  The government-owned company is offering a range of three-year graduate programmes across the country, designed to give graduates all the skills and experience they need to grow their careers.  Recruitment for our broad range of apprenticeship […]

ARTSM publishes latest procurement guidance

The Association for Road Traffic Safety and Management, ARTSM, has published an updated guidance document for procurement and supply of Traffic Management Signage. The trade body regularly updates guidance in order for organisations to ensure all products on UK roads are fit for purpose and tested to specified standards. The law says all manufacturers, suppliers […]

West Lothian Council plans for winter with Covid in mind

West Lothian Council has 60 vehicles ready to tackle winter weather alongside a contingency plan for Covid 19. The council has put extra staff into its crew as part of plans to ensure winter maintenance is delivered amid the Covid-19 outbreak. Ross McDonald from Operational Services told a meeting of the council’s executive that safeguards […]

Destructor Bridge in Bath reopens to traffic after seven years

A bridge in Bath will reopen to traffic this week, more than seven years after it was closed. The old single-lane bridge closed in April 2013 and a 400-tonne, two-lane replacement was finally put in place at the third attempt in August 2016 after a £3.6million government grant, opening to pedestrians that December. It has […]

Companies working on satellite/GPS connectivity thanks to €1.2m grant

The British-Israeli start-up Valerann has teamed up with established Cardiff-based SME Excelerate Technology to work on technology to allow roads to leverage space technologies to support autonomous vehicles The companies have received a €1.2M grant from the European Space Agency to work on technology to use satellite communications and GPS technologies to make a system […]

Paris’s Mayor cutting car options in city

The Mayor of Paris has used her first major interview since her re-election in the summer to warn people in the city to “forget crossing Paris by car”. Anne Hidalgo told Le Parisien that, “The city needs to evolve.” Forbes adds that she intends to create permanent curb-protected cycleways and expand the number of lockdown […]