TTF to concentrate on transport challenges during annual conference

The Transport Technology Forum has announced the theme of its special virtual annual conference this year, as it focusses on the challenges the transport industry is facing following the Covid-19 crisis. The three-day online event will be split into six different sessions, with participants encouraged to pick and choose which they take part in, with […]

Inclusive, greener transport on the agenda in Scotland

Accelerating economic recovery and laying the groundwork for an inclusive, greener transport network will be at the heart of future transport investment in Scotland, according to Transport Scotland. This will be kick-started by the second Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) will help to deliver the vision, priorities and outcomes for transport set out in the […]

Re-shaping of the A59 gets the go-ahead with £56m funding

The realignment of the A59 Harrogate to Skipton road at Kex Gill is set to go ahead after Transport Secretary Grant Shapps pledged up to £56m to build the major trans-Pennine route. North Yorkshire County Council will meet the remainder of the cost of the £60m project. A third party request was made to the […]

Shapps criticises smart motorway education

The Transport Secretary believes the rollout of smart motorways was “entirely wrong” and dynamic hard shoulders are “insane”, while bringing forward the date for the completion of the stopped vehicle detection installation. The Telegraph quotes Grant Shapps’s comments to the Transport Select Committee in which he said drivers still don’t know how to use smart […]

90% of Devon residents “plan to buy EV”

More than 90% of Devon residents are aiming to buy an electric vehicle according to a survey from the county council. reports the survey of more than 1700 residents discovered a third said they wanted to replace their ICE vehicle within five years – and only 6% said they would ‘never’ buy an EV. […]


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