ASI Solutions on the search for local authority partner to demonstrate how Rhinophalt asphalt preservation could change the way bridge decks are maintained in the future

ASI Solutions, the leading provider of asphalt preservation technology in the UK and around the globe, is calling on local authorities and other bridge owners to come forward to take part in a new demonstration. The company wants to demonstrate its Rhinophalt® asphalt preservation product on bridge decks as the second part of a new […]
Government urged to promote public transport as new campaign is launched to get people back on board

A national campaign to help get people back on board public transport is being launched outside the House of Lords and across social media today by sustainable transport charity, Campaign for Better Transport. The Way Forward campaign is calling on the Government to support public transport by actively encouraging people to use buses, trains, coaches and […]
Major £10m road resurfacing programme to start in Derbyshire

Work has started on a £10 million resurfacing programem across Derbyshire, the counil has said. Over the next year parts of more than 325 roads will be resurfaced or surface dressed. During March and April this year our highways workers and an external contractor have been busy getting these roads ready to be resurfaced or […]
TV investigation discovers hundreds of e-scooter-related injuries

More question marks are being raised over the safety of e-scooters in busy areas, as the ITV investigative journalism show Tonight reports that the roll-out has led to hundreds of injuries and more than 1,000 complaints. Reporter Chris Choy says “the scale of problems with rental scooters is revealed” in “E-scooters: Britain’s New Road Rage?”, broadcast on […]
Matheson’s role changes slightly in Scotland

The man responsible for transport in Scotland, Michael Matheson, has been given a wider environmental role in the country’s government’s new cabinet. He takes on a new role as Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport. The portfolio brings together cross government responsibility for coordination of Net Zero policy, encompassing transport, environmental protection, energy […]
Musk “could make Teslas in Britain”

It’s reported the government is hunting for a site for a major new car plant, suggesting Elon Musk is considering building Teslas in Britain. Sources have told the Daily Telegraph that the Government’s new Office for Investment called on regional agencies to urgently submit potential locations for a new factory that the report says would […]