HE rebrands to National Highways as Nick Harris confirmed CEO

Nick Harris has been confirmed as the new Chief Executive of the Government company which builds and operates England’s motorways and major A-roads, as it rebrands from Highways England to become National Highways. The Department for Transport says the new name reflects the new focus the company has on delivering the Government’s £27bn strategic roads […]

Nottinghamshire County Council stocks up for the winter ahead

Nottinghamshire County Council has already prepared for the winter ahead by stocking its salt barns with 18,000 tonnes of grit. This is nearly 7,000 tonnes more than the nationally-recommended amount and enough to carry out four gritting runs every day, for three weeks. The 2020-21 winter season saw 109 outings for the 30-strong fleet of […]

TRL, AECOM and Pavement Testing Services win Highways England pavement testing contract work

TRL, AECOM and Pavement Testing Services have won contracts with Highways England for pavement testing work across the country. Work includes technical and intrusive pavement surveys, split into in six Lots across country. This will see engineers undertake coring of pavements to determine the pavement structure, layer thickness and condition as well as collate the […]

Car and tube use up after “freedom day”

New figures from the Department for Transport show car use and London Underground passenger numbers have reached a new level after the latest easing in coronavirus rules. The Press Association has analysed figures showing the number of cars on Britain’s roads was at 96% of pre-pandemic levels on Monday, which has only been matched on […]

Khan pushing ahead with Silvertown Tunnel project

Mayor Sadiq Khan is pushing ahead with construction plans for the Silvertown Tunnel in London’s East End after campaigners called for it to be scrapped on environmental grounds. London financial paper City AM reports construction of the £2bn is underway and will continue, with completion set for 2025. It will connect the Royal Docks precinct […]

HE works to improve motorway journeys for people with disabilities

Highways England says UK-based holidays or day trips can be planned with confidence this summer thanks to its access guides for motorway services. It says that, with around five per cent of the driving population classed as having a disability, it has partnered with AccessAble, the UK’s leading provider of detailed accessibility information, to help […]

Amey continues to maintain East Renfrenwshire’s street lighting

Amey has successfully secured a three-year contract with East Renfrewshire Council to continue works to upgrade, maintain and repair the street lights for the local authority. Amey’s street lighting team have managed the street lighting service in East Renfrewshire since August 2012. In 2017 Amey secured a four-year contract to continue managing the service and […]