Scottish Transport Minister steps down

The Scottish Transport Minister Graeme Dey has tendered his resignation from the Scottish Government for health-related reasons.  Mr Dey served as Minister for Parliamentary Business and Veterans from 2018, and was appointed Transport Minister following the 2021 Holyrood elections.  Accepting his resignation, the First Minister said he had been a formidable minister, and would be […]

Government to introduce bill for the next phase of HS2

The government is to introduce the Bill for the next phase of HS2 from Crewe to Manchester. Once approved, the High Speed Rail (Crewe to Manchester) Bill will allow HS2 to create a new transport spine across the North West and boosting local economies through better connections, more capacity, improved reliability and slashed journey times. This includes cutting […]

LTNs blamed for fire engine delays

Analysis by the London Fire Brigade suggests that roads blocked to make way for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods contributed to 3,000 delays to engines responding to emergency calls last year. The Telegraph says firefighters experienced slowed response times 3,035 times, equivalent to 253 each month, due to “traffic calming” measures. That’s up 42% on 2020, when […]

Transport Scotland looking at A82 improvements

A plan to build a new link road through one of Scotland’s most congested towns is being considered to help alleviate traffic problems on major tourist routes. The Herald newspaper reports that Transport Scotland is looking at proposals to ease pressure on the A82 in Fort William by creating a diversion away from the town centre. […]

American city uses streetlight sensors to collect pedestrian data

The American city of Philadelphia is testing out technology to track pedestrians, attaching sensors to 14 streetlights along a single street, in order to track environmental factors and how pavements are being used. The website BillyPenn reports that the SmartBlockPHL pilot is run by the city in collaboration with Comcast, Juganu, and US Ignite — […]

Toyota registers most automotive patents for 8th Consecutive Year

The United States Patent and Trademark Office awarded Toyota more patents than any other automaker in 2021, as it registers its innovations in electric vehicle batteries, automated driving systems and AI. The latest annual ranking by the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) shows Toyota’s engineers and scientists were granted a total of 2,753 patents in […]

AA president calls for more accessible charge points for electric vehicles

Electric vehicle charging posts need to be more accessible for the one in five people with disabilities, according to the AA president, addressing the EV infrastructure summit today. The call is supported by the vast majority of the 17,302 drivers who responded to an AA Yonder survey* last year. 73% say charge post spaces should […]

Report calls for driverless vehicles to get dedicated lanes

A group of Australian academics are suggesting that dedicated lanes for driverless vehicles would enable cities to be better prepared for their introduction. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the University of New South Wales Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation found transport networks unprepared for driverless cars would disrupt the experiences of all users, […]


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