Modeshift Stars scheme continues to empower active travel across Birmingham

Birmingham City Council continues to encourage workers to reduce reliance on cars and commute sustainably: by bicycle, foot or public transport, via its Modeshift STARS scheme. Twelve more organisations in the city have recently gained accreditation through the Modeshift STARS scheme for encouraging their staff to take up more active modes of travel when commuting to work […]
Spaces for People legacy creating active travel options in East Lothian

Improved road safety measures including widened pathways, cycle parking at beaches and other popular destinations, and lowered speed limits in towns and villages are some of the actions first introduced under the Spaces for People programme and approved to be retained permanently, according to East Lothian. This will be discussed this week in a council […]
Women in Transport hub to be set up in York

A new northern base for the national Women in Transport organisation is to be set up in York, thanks to a successful bid by the council. Women in Transport campaigns for and supports women in the transport sector where only 20% of workers are currently female. The new Yorkshire branch or ‘hub’ will mean face-to-face […]
Re-flow Managing Director plans 400 mile run in a month to raise money for young suicide prevention

Michael Saunders, the Co-founder and Managing director of award-winning software company, Re-flow, prepares to undertake an ambitious fundraising effort for the charity PAPYRUS Young Suicide Prevention. He’s challenging himself to run 400 miles over four weeks, in an aim to raise money for the charity and raise awareness of the rising, disproportionate rates of suicide […]
National Highways Traffic officers given body cameras

Body-worn cameras have been issued to National Highways traffic officers patrolling motorways and some major A roads across the country, following more than 200 incidents of intimidation, assault or abuse in just one year. National Highways says these took place between January 2020 and 2021 despite the impact of the Covid lockdowns on traffic numbers. […]
Intel could be about to float Mobileye

It’s reported that Intel has filed for an initial public offering for its vehicle safety technology subsidiary Mobileye. Reuters says the corporation has “confidentially filed for an initial public offering in the United States on Monday, setting the stage for what is expected to be one of the biggest stock market flotations of the year”. […]
Taking a deeper dive into product development-this week’s Highways Voices with Shell and Aggregate Industries

Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! Only by going beyond the traditional testing can you create something that breaks the mould in terms of product development, according to Bob Allan, Technical Director, Aggregate Industries, who was speaking with Richard Taylor, Global Technical Development Manager, Shell, on this […]