Vodafone launches platform to improve road safety in Europe

Vodafone has launched a new platform designed to connect road users directly with transport authorities and each other, enabling safety information, hazard warnings and traffic updates to be shared in real-time no matter which device or in-vehicle system they are using. The platform is compatible with all third-party apps and in-vehicle navigation systems. Vodafone is […]

Welsh Government to take ‘one network’ approach to public transport

The Welsh Government has set out plans to change the way people travel in Wales on public transport. “For more than 70 years we have made it easy to travel by car and harder to travel by public transport – that has to change.” Those were the words of Deputy Climate Change Minister, Lee Waters […]

Getting a flavour of Intertraffic Amsterdam on this week’s Highways Voices

Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode! This week’s Highways Voices comes from the huge Intertraffic event in Amsterdam. In this podcast, where we scratch the surface of the event you can hear Paul Hutton talk to two CEOs, Michael Schuch of SWARCO and TRL’s Paul Campion, plus […]

A63 Castle Street project reaches milestone as new footbridge is lifted into place

National Highways’ A63 Castle Street project has reached another milestone with the footbridge being lifted in place this week. The new bridge is a major step forward in National Highways’ £355m A63 Castle Street scheme to improve safety and create better connections in Hull city centre.   The bridge was lifted into place with a 200-tonne […]

National Highways funds innovative new trial to treat carriageway spillages more quickly

An innovative trial that seeks to treat spillages on England’s major A-roads and motorways more effectively, enabling roads to re-open more quickly, is being funded by National Highways. When a major incident happens, essential police investigations involving detailed forensic work are often required. While this forensic work takes place, access for National Highways teams to […]

Suffolk County Council start search for contractors for its highways maintenance and professional services contract

Suffolk County Council has begun the search for new contractors for its £1.6bn highways maintenance ad professional services contract. Work will include the delivery both core highways maintenance services and certain professional services, with the provision of street lighting (SLS) and intelligent transport systems (ITS). The contract duration is 10 years, starting from October 2023. […]