London’s trial of rental e-scooters extended to November

Transport for London and London Councils have extended the capital’s trial of rental e-scooters from 6 June until 20 November this year, which they say will allow the trial to build on what they believe are its successes and further explore how e-scooters could play a role in a sustainable transport network. London’s trial launched […]
Boardman tells TTF – make transport “easy”

England’s Active Travel Commissioner Chris Boardman says it’s vital we make it “easy” for people to travel in a more active way. “If we can’t look out of a car window and see active travel and think ‘I could do that’ then it’s pointless,” he told the Transport Technology Forum conference in Liverpool, as he […]
Chief Scientific Adviser says technology is at the heart of transport

The Department for Transport’s Chief Scientific Adviser has told the Transport Technology Forum conference that technology is crucial in delivering the transport networks of the future. Professor Sarah Sharples joined the Department in July last year to provide independent challenge and support, making the connection between the work in the Department, industry, Local Authorities and […]
Yunex Traffic launches advanced radar detection solution for traffic signal control

Yunex Traffic has announced the addition of the smartmicro MLR multi lane radar solution to its advanced traffic detection and management portfolio. With an extended range and flexibility, the solution delivers a cost-effective alternative to traditional induction loops, offering high levels of accuracy without the need for extensive ducting or disruptive and costly maintenance. Wilke […]
Norfolk County Council starts consultation on bus service improvement plans

Norfolk County Council has launched a consultation asking its residents’ views on bus services in Norfolk. With Norfolk set to be awarded almost £50m from the Department for Transport to make the county’s bus services and facilities better, your views will help to decide what the money should be spent on. In October 2021 the […]
UK government leads global transport transformation as it takes over ITF presidency in Germany

The UK government has assumed the presidency of the International Transport Forum (ITF), leading its work to improve people’s lives across the world through cleaner, safer and more innovative solutions. In a ceremony held in Leipzig, Germany, the largest gathering of transport ministers in the world saw current president, Morocco, hand over the reins to UK […]
HS2 completes first stage of 50 mile temporary access road in Buckinghamshire

HS2 has opened the first stage of a 50-mile-long (80km) temporary access road that will link construction sites across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire and South Warwickshire and take pressure off local roads. Closely following the route of the new high speed railway, the road is designed to carry around 400-500 vehicles every day – helping to […]
Brock to stay for half-term getaway and Jubilee

A combination of factors heightening the risk of disruption on Kent’s roads will keep Operation Brock in place on the M20 at least until the end of Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday, the Kent Resilience Forum (KRF) partnership said confirmed. Ongoing reduced ferry capacity at the Port of Dover, the upcoming school half-term break and Jubilee […]
National Highways helps bring ‘Capability Brown’ pool back to its former glory

A wildlife haven in Herefordshire managed by the National Trust has been restored to its former glory thanks to funding from National Highways. The restoration work of the 16-acre pool at Berrington Hall, near Leominster in Herefordshire, started in autumn last year and finished in February this year. The conservation work included careful woodland management […]
New mobile speed enforcement cameras launched in London as TfL and the Met continue to crack down on speed offences

Transport for London (TfL) has launched five new mobile safety cameras to tackle the risk and harm caused by speeding across London and help meet its Vision Zero goal of eliminating death and serious injury on the road network. Police data shows that half of fatal collisions in London have speed as a factor. The […]