FM Conway secures two Super Regions as part of National Highways £1.3bn Pavement Delivery Framework

FM Conway, has secured a place on the South and Central Super Regions of the Pavement Delivery Framework with National Highways. The framework, which begins in March 2023 and runs for five years until March 2028, is worth £1.3bn and covers surfacing and pavement construction across the UK’s motorways and major A roads. The Pavement […]
Leicestershire County Council looking for contractor for highways patching work

Leicestershire County Council is looking for contractors to deliver highways patching work in the county. The contract is split into two lots with both being for the “construction, foundation and surface works for highways and roads”. The council is looking to appoint a “single suitably experienced supplier” for each lot “to provide carriageway patching repairs […]
Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy to encourage growth of sustainable and active travel

A substantial increase in the numbers of people using sustainable and active travel is among the primary objectives of the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) Transport Strategy published by NTA this week. The Strategy covers Dublin city and county as well as the counties of Meath, Kildare and Wicklow. The Draft of this Strategy was published for […]
Dame Sarah Storey opens new ‘cycle stores’ at Tameside primary schools

New ‘cycle stores’ to enable more children to ride their bikes to school and store them safely have been officially opened by Active Travel Commissioner, Dame Sarah Storey. Arlies Primary School and Silver Springs Primary Academy in Stalybridge are the latest schools to have cycling storage facilities installed after receiving grants from Transport for Greater […]
Louisa Finlay appointed as Chief People Officer

Kier Group plc announces that Louisa Finlay, currently Kier Construction’s Clients and Markets Managing Director, is appointed as Chief People Officer and will be part of the Group’s Executive Committee, with effect from 6 March 2023. Louisa will take over from Helen Redfern, who will be leaving Kier after ten successful years to take up a […]
Thurrock Council’s opposition to LTC remains unanimous

Every councillor present at a full meeting of Thurrock Council in southwest Essex has indicated their opposition to the building of the Lower Thames Crossing. The website Your Thurrock reports the Chair of Thurrock Council’s Lower Thames Crossing Task Force bought forward a motion at the Full Council meeting on Wednesday (25 January) to seek […]
Labour council leader calls for more time to implement ULEZ in outer boroughs

For the first time, a leading member of London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s own party has called into question his plans to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone to outer London boroughs. Writing on Twitter, Barking and Dagenham Council leader Darren Rodwell has suggested that the plans need “a much more comprehensive and generous scrappage and […]
Bosch and APCOA expand automated valet parking technology to parking garages across Germany

Following the announcement that automated valet parking has been approved for commercial use in the P6 parking garage at Stuttgart airport, Bosch and APCOA are branching out and installing the technology in 15 further parking garages in Germany. From Hamburg to Munich, work to expand the infrastructure-based, automated, and driverless SAE Level 4 parking system […]
3,400 motorists caught on personal cameras in Southwest – video

In a record-breaking year for the road safety initiative Operation Snap, 3,400 motorists in Devon and Cornwall had action taken against them thanks to video footage submitted by members of the public. Dangerous manoeuvres, lethal overtakes, insecure loads and drivers jumping red lights were just some of the offences captured on dashcams, helmet cameras and […]