Let that be a lesson…

Moseley & Kings Heath Police officers in the West Midlands received calls about a vehicle parked dangerously on a junction, blocking the pavement causing children and pedestrians with buggys to step into the road. Officers decided to seize the car rather than issue a ticket. “We hope it’s ‘Message received’”, said the accompanying tweet.
Ireland: Doubts over plan to use speed cameras to catch drivers using phones

A legal question has arisen over plans to use speed cameras to detect motorists in Ireland who are on their phones. Last month, Justice Minister Helen McEntee said traffic cameras would soon be used to spot the use of phones behind the wheel. It would allow the issuing of automatic fines just as the camera […]
Live Labs 2 online: register now!

The online Live Labs 2 mini Expo event will take place on 14th May between 09:30 and 12:30 on Teams. This valuable online event, produced by ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport) is aimed at those who were unable to attend the Live Labs 2 Expo 2024 in Birmingham last month. […]
Somerset Council transfers assets and services to Bridgwater Town Council in historic devolution deal

In what has been described as a ‘landmark devolution deal’, Somerset Council has transferred some assets and services to Bridgwater Town Council. The move sees services from street-cleaning and road-sweeping to the management of parks and open spaces, transfer from Somerset Council into town hall hands. Also transferring as part of the historic deal with […]
A new name and brand for one.network

UK-founded digital work zone and road management platform provider one.network will henceforth be known as Causeway one.network, reflecting its growth under parent company Causeway Technologies. The brand adjustment will allow the firm to leverage Causeway’s global road construction position, offering customers all the resources and innovation that comes from being part of an international road […]
A quarter of car occupants who die in road crashes aren’t wearing a seat belt, report finds

New research from AXA UK and the charity Brake has revealed that while 96% of drivers surveyed said they always wear a seat belt, in practice this may not always be the case. A quarter of car occupants who die in crashes on Britain’s roads are not wearing a seat belt, figure that rises to […]
County Council’s surface dressing programme making Hampshire roads more resilient

Nearly 600 miles of Hampshire roads will be given a new lease of life this summer as Hampshire County Council’s annual programme of road surface strengthening gets underway at 400 locations. Councillor Nick Adams-King, the County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Universal Services, said: “We know that potholes and other road defects are a cause […]
Consultation data published on proposals for future highways and transport services in Hampshire

Results have been published today following Hampshire County Council’s public consultation earlier this year, on key proposals to change and reduce some local services in future to help the Authority address a £132 million budget shortfall faced from April 2025 As part of steps by the County Council to ensure it can continue to support […]
TfL advises of weekend closures to the southbound Blackwall Tunnel

TfL has advised drivers that the Blackwall Tunnel will be closed to southbound traffic across a number of weekends in May and June to help support carriageway works on the northbound approach. The closures, which are required to help implement the road configuration for the new Silvertown Tunnel, which will open in 2025, will take […]