This week on Highways Voices we talk about how better managing the kerbside for deliveries saves fuel and time, raises revenue and cuts emissions.

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The founder of Grid Smarter Cities, Neil Herron, is the guest on the programme explaining that the current system just doesn’t work, “We currently operate a first come first served approach, at the kerb space… which leads to… a lot of wasted time, a lot of wasted effort. All we’ve done is apply a degree of common sense. You wouldn’t open an airport and just tell the planes to turn anytime you wished, or land wherever they want, we’re treating the kerbside in the same sort of fashion.”

In the interview, we talk about the role of the Smart Mobility Living Lab in helping test out the ideas, how the concept is now reality on the banks for the River Thames and how a small company with a big idea can scale up to deliver on globally.

He also explains how his solutions can have knock-on benefits for other areas of a council’s obligations such as social care. “There’s a lot of time wasted in vehicles having to go and park legally somewhere, the carer then having to walk from the car park to deliver care, and you might be losing five or ten minutes at the front end five to ten minutes at the back end,” he says. “So 30 minutes worth of care ends up being 15 or 20 minutes, because of the parking provision that’s required,” with the kerbside solution allowing carers to book slots to legally and safely park nearby.

You’ll also hear why those tackling roadworker abuse win Adrian’s Accolade this week, about partnerships for LCRIG and ITS UK, connected vehicles at the Innovation Festival and ADEPT’s views on the Strategic Road Network.


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