Transport for the North has published two new reports focused on the importance of improving rural connectivity across the North.
The rural North is home to more than 2.1 million people and 121,000 businesses, as well as significant visitor destinations including National Parks and World Heritage Sites. However, many rural areas face challenges due to limited public transport connectivity, limited local services and higher private car dependency. This means the North’s rural residents often have to travel greater distances to access employment, education and basic services.
TfN is actively enhancing its rural evidence base to strengthen the case for investment in rural connectivity, in line with the ambitions in the North’s Strategic Transport Plan. Its latest evidence shows the contribution rural areas are making to the Northern economy, health and social outcomes, and preserving natural capital.
The research includes a summary report that assesses rural mobility across England, the North and North Yorkshire. TfN included a case study to enable a more localised analysis within the North and to better understand the diverse rural characteristics of North Yorkshire.
This report has been developed from the extensive data and evidence base and draws upon Transport for the North’s Analytical Framework. The organisation have also undertaken research with its Citizens’ Panel to provide insight into rural user perspectives for developing mobility hubs.
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