Oxfordshire: School streets programme to install ANPR cameras

Five primary schools in Oxford and Didcot will have their school streets programme supported by the use of ANPR cameras. The decision was made at an Oxfordshire County Council cabinet member meeting on 5 September 2024.

The schools have been trialling the school streets concept, which involves timed road closures with volunteers operating pop-up gates close to school entrances at school start and finish times. The aim is to reduce the volume of motor vehicles during school drop-off and pick-up times creating a safer environment for children, parents, and teachers to walk or cycle to school.

During October and November,  ANPR cameras will be installed at the school street entry points to help operate the scheme consistently without reliance on a volunteer team. The cameras will operate only during set school drop-off and pick-up times, on school days only and covering only the entry point.

Councillor Andrew Gant, Cabinet Member for Transport Management, said: “School streets are a simple but very effective way to help make it easier for the school community to start and finish the school day feeling safer, more confident and healthy.

“It’s also a hugely positive thing that schools are supporting their families even further to get the most out of the school journey with other opportunities such as walking buses and park and stride – which allows people who need to drive for longer or more complex journeys to park nearby and enjoy the social benefits of walking or wheeling for the last leg of the school run.” 

“As a highway authority we have a responsibility to improve how people can get about the county, together with a duty to reduce our impacts on the environment and make it better for everyone. We have learned from the school streets scheme so far that generally school communities enjoy the welcoming atmosphere of the school street and residents are seeing less of traffic impacting how they enjoy their neighbourhood and access their homes. I am incredibly proud of our local schools helping us strive to make Oxfordshire the best it can be and look forward to the continued success of the school streets.” 


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