National Highways closes A road in Wiltshire till spring

The A36 Warminster Road in Wiltshire has been closed by National Highways after defects in the footpath alongside the southbound carriageway were discovered. The works – to stabilise the embankment to prevent further movement, and reduce the risk of damage to the main carriageway – means the road is fully closed between Limpley Stoke and […]
Highways England provides funding for ‘missing link’ in National Cycle Network in Wiltshire

Highways England has invested £630,000 to extend a cycleway on the A36 in Salisbury in Wiltshire to help provide the missing link on one of the National Cycle Network’s key routes. The 800 metre-long extension also aims to reduce the need for detours, dismounting or cycling within the carriageway. Work on the cycleway started this […]