Highlights from our 2023 podcasts on the last Highways Voices of the year

Why would a highways and transport technology-focussed podcast have discussed dehumidifiers, fast fashion and taking a shop’s takings to Barclays? Because all, in their own way, can be used as examples of things that affect our industry, and you’ll find out why if you listen to this quick round-up of some of our content from […]
British Ambassador impressed by UK innovation at ITS European Congress

The British Ambassador to Portugal has praised the innovation of UK companies exhibiting at the ITS European Congress in Lisbon. Chris Sainty joined Navtech Radar, Clearview Intelligence, Nicander, Now Wireless, ANGOKA, Ito World, Neology, Arup, Grid Smarter Cities, See.Sense, VESOS and Zenzic on the UK Pavilion where they are showcasing a range of the country’s […]