First Bristol Clean Air Zone Financial Assistance Scheme transaction completed

A Bristol-based business has benefitted from £6,000 of financial support in the first grant and subsidised finance through Bristol’s Clean Air Zone Financial Assistance Scheme. The scheme provides direct financial support in the form of a grant, interest-subsidised finance, or a combination of the two to help people and businesses avoid paying a daily charge […]

Clean Air Zone signage unveiled as cameras switched on in Newcastle

New signage and cameras for the Newcastle and Gateshead Clean Air Zone (CAZ) have been installed and are in operation from today – but without any drivers being charged yet. A network of 43 signs and 38 cameras are located at entry points around the boundary of the zone to alert drivers. Additional signage is […]

Clean Air Zone interim report provides evidence of impact on air pollution

Birmingham City Council has published an interim report on the impact of the Clean Air Zone providing evidence that the levels of the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide are reducing in the city centre. This is its first report on the impact of the Clean Air Zone, since the launch of the scheme at the beginning of June […]


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