Cycling, walking and safer routes works taking shape in East Lothian

East Lothian Council’s Active Travel Team has reported progress with a range of active travel across the county. Taking full advantage of Scottish Government funding, East Lothian Council’s Active Travel Team has been busy taking forward projects which benefit everyone walking, cycling and wheeling around the county, said the council. A path under the railway at […]
East Lothian Council starts charging for Road Construction Consents

East Lothian Council will charge developers appropriate recovery costs for processing and issuing Road Construction Consents (RCC). Road Construction Consent, as well as planning permission, is needed from the local roads authority for a new road or an extension of an existing road. Cllr John McMillan, Cabinet Member for Environment, Economic Development and Tourism, explained: […]
Setting the wheels in motion for active travel in East Lothian

Thanks to a significant increase in Scottish Government funding for cycling, walking and safer routes schemes last year, East Lothian Council has embarked on an ambitious programme of works. A notable construction project in 2022 was the surfacing of over 1km of track through Musselburgh Lagoons, but local residents across East Lothian may also have […]
New road safety installations welcomed in North Berwick

New road safety installations have been welcomed in North Berwick. Cllr John McMillan, Cabinet Member for Environment, Economic Development and Tourism, joined representatives from Law Primary and North Berwick High School Parent Councils, Stantec, Sustrans and respective head teachers to see the new junction improvements installed earlier this year to improve active travel safety to and […]
Spaces for People legacy creating active travel options in East Lothian

Improved road safety measures including widened pathways, cycle parking at beaches and other popular destinations, and lowered speed limits in towns and villages are some of the actions first introduced under the Spaces for People programme and approved to be retained permanently, according to East Lothian. This will be discussed this week in a council […]