New car speed limiter demanded by EU cannot be turned off permanently

A speed limiter system being introduced on all newly made cars can only be switched off temporarily, motorists have been warned. Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) is not legally required in the UK, but car makers are still bringing it in, because of the large number of vehicles they sell to the EU which must conform. […]

New ISA law comes into force this Sunday

A new EU law designed to reduce speeding and improve road safety will apply to all new cars sold in the European Union from 7 July 2024. The law requires manufacturers to fit intelligent speed assistance (ISA) technology to their cars, but they can implement it in various ways – including automatically limiting the car’s […]

TRL explains Intelligent Speed Assistance at SMLL event

TRL is dissemination event at Smart Mobility Living Lab in Woolwich in London on 12 March discussing Intelligent Speed Assistance. Understanding the Future of Safe Driving with Intelligent Speed Assistance features a morning of talks, discussions, and a view into the future of safer roads. The event promises ‘You will get ‘first-hand knowledge of ISA […]

Surgeon calls for speeding attitudes to focus on health

A trauma surgeon specialising in paediatrics has called for speeding to be considered as a public health issue rather than something to do with politics or civil liberties. Dr Phil Hyde, who is a Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant at University Hospital Southampton, made the comments during a TRL-led webinar looking at speed on our roads […]

Vehicle makers using HERE for speed limit data across EU

As the European Union’s Intelligent Speed Assistance regulation comes into effect, global automakers have overwhelmingly chosen the ISA Map from HERE Technologies to comply with the mandate. ISA is an in-vehicle safety feature that displays for drivers the legal speed limit on any given EU road. To date, more than 30 brands from 15 global […]

New UK cars could get automatic speed limiters

The Government is expected to open a consultation into plans for the UK to fall in line with European Union rules and mandate automatic speed limiters in new cars. The Telegraph reports the consultation will look at a range of vehicle safety measures that reduce engine power or set off alarms if drivers exceed the […]

HERE and Mercedes partner on AV driving system

The location technology company HERE has announced its HD Live Map is being deployed in Mercedes-Benz’s new DRIVE PILOT automated driving system. HERE says that, as self-driving cars develop, connected vehicle technology and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are paving the way to increases in road safety, driver comfort and vehicle routing optimisation.  It says it’s […]

Intelligent Speed Assistance mandated on EU-sold cars next year

The European Union has announced that from next summer it’ll require all new cars to have technology fitted to stop people from speeding. It’s mandating that vehicles sold from May 2022 must have kit which uses GPS and cameras to determine whether a car is exceeding the speed limit, and then prompts the driver to […]


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