Call for mobility scooter users to be included in the Highway Code

Campaigners are calling for the urgent addition of mobility scooter users to the Highway Code alongside other vulnerable road users, following alarming new data showing that fatalities among mobility scooter users in 2023 nearly doubled compared to the previous year. DfT road casualty data has revealed that 16 mobility scooter users were killed and 80 […]
Terminally ill mum demands action to protect vulnerable mobility scooter users

A terminally ill mum is calling on road users to be more considerate of mobility scooters, highlighting the growing daily difficulties she faces while trying to get around. Dawn West, who has stage four breast cancer, describes her mobility scooter as her “lifeline,” relying on it to attend medical appointments, shop and meet friends. However, […]
Nottingham Trent University and Surewise unite to combat rising road fatalities among mobility scooter users

Psychologists at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) have teamed up with Surewise, a leading mobility scooter insurance intermediary, to tackle the alarming increase in deaths and injuries among mobility scooter users on the UK’s roads. This collaboration comes in the wake of alarming statistics revealing that mobility scooter riders are over two and a half times […]
Mobility scooter users more than two and a half times more likely to be killed in a road crash

Mobility scooter riders are more than two and a half times more likely to be killed in a road crash compared to other road users, data has revealed. Department for Transport (DfT) road casualty statistics show that in 2022, nine mobility scooter users were killed and 270 were injured in collisions on the UK’s roads. […]
Research suggests hazard training for mobility scooter users “virtually non-existent”

The largest ever study of more than 250 motorised mobility scooter users by Nottingham Trent University is highlighting and identifying a core set of real-world hazards encountered by users and the strategies that users of all experience levels utilise to make their experience safer. Of those questioned, around 62% had not received any form of […]