Ofcom confirms connectivity spectrum plans
The Quango managing the UK’s radio spectrum, Ofcom has announced plans for management of radio frequencies essential for all wireless communications, making more than 6 GHz of millimetre wave (mmWave) spectrum available across the 26 GHz (24.25-27.5 GHz) and 40 GHz (40.5 GHz-43.5 GHz) bands for mobile technology, which is earmarked for connected vehicle services. […]
Ofcom consults on wireless band used for ITS
The broadcast regulator Ofcom plans to make millimetre wave spectrum available for new uses including those providing transport-related solutions. It’s opened a consultation to make some mmWave spectrum available so it can be used for 5G, mobile broadband and other new uses. The organisation says this has the potential to unlock more capacity and faster […]