HDMGlobal software powers global road-building investment strategy
The World Road Association PIARC has asked international consortium of academic and consultancy companies HDMGlobal to continue technical support, training and sales for the Highways Design and Maintenance (HDM) software, which is used to appraise investment in road networks across the world. The extension is within the framework of the current concession from PIARC and […]
RSMA Welcomes PIARC Report Highlighting the Importance of Road Markings
The Road Safety Markings Association (RSMA) has welcomed the PIARC (The World Road Association) report ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Road Operators and Road Authorities’, which highlights the importance of road markings in the transition towards the use of autonomous vehicles on road networks. The PIARC report acknowledges the importance of road markings in allowing autonomous […]
World Road Federation publishes CAV report for road operators
A group of leading intelligent transport systems experts from around the world, including Ian Patey of WSP in the UK, have published a report into the challenges and opportunities for road operators and road authorities when it comes to automated vehicles. The World Road Federation PIARC’s report covers physical infrastructure issues around subjects such as […]