Video explains how Jenoptik average speed cameras change driver behaviour

The road safety platform Project EDWARD has issued a new video promoting the value of targeted speed enforcement reducing casualties across Devon and Cornwall. Project EDWARD, which stands for Every Day Without A Road Death, promotes an evidence-led, ‘safe system’ approach to deliver a road traffic system free from death and serious injury. In the […]

Road danger reduction charity CEO hails eCall’s lifesaving opportunities

The Chief Executive of RoadPeace, the UK national charity for road crash victims, is supporting a start-up company’s plans to maximise the use of data from the in-built vehicle safety system eCall. Speaking during the Project EDWARD (Every Day Without a Road Death) awareness week, Nick Simmons described the VESOS innovation as “vital” in making […]

Project EDWARD video promotes average speed enforcement for road safety

A new video has been released highlighting the value of average speed cameras in making our roads safer. Timed to coincide with Project EDWARD week (Every Day Without a Road Death), the video explains how traffic has been calmed in Bedford by reducing speed limits and backing up those reductions by using average speed cameras […]