RAC Foundation publishes report into veteran connected car project

A report into the value of connected vehicles, including in-vehicle signage, has been published, highlighting the fact that three cars built at the start of the 20th century could be fitted with latest technology. The project, with the RAC Foundation and overseen by leading consultant Andy Graham of White Willow Consulting, saw the three vehicles […]

WATCH – 5 minute video report on the London to Brighton connected Veteran Cars

Three veteran cars built at the turn of the 20th century have travelled from London to Brighton while using the latest in connected technology in what is believed to be the world’s first connected veteran car event. The 1903 Daimler, 1901 Mors and 1900 Daimler were among the 350 cars which celebrated the 125th anniversary […]

Connected veteran cars in historic London-to-Brighton ‘pathfinder’

Three veteran cars built at the turn of the 20th century have travelled from London to Brighton while using the latest in connected technology in what is believed to be the world’s first connected veteran car event. The 1903 Daimler, 1901 Mors and 1900 Daimler were among the 350 cars which celebrated the 125th anniversary […]

Government consults on Road Collision Investigation Branch idea

A new investigation branch dedicated to learning lessons from road traffic collisions, including those involving self-driving vehicles, could be established under plans being unveiled by the Government. The Department for Transport has launched a consultation on proposals to set up a Road Collision Investigation Branch (RCIB), which would operate much like the similar independent bodies […]

Ten organisations call on government to consider road infrastructure and avoid congestion when building new homes

Ten organisations have written to Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick urging changes to the Government’s proposed planning reforms to avoid adding a tide of car traffic to already overcrowded roads and undermining the Government’s wider social, economic and environmental goals. This comed ahead of preparation for a Planning Bill to be announced in next week’s Queen’s Speech Organisations […]

All lane running driving requires a ‘different mindeset’, says RAC Foundation

The challenge for Highways England alongside smart motorway upgrades, is to effectively communicate to the travelling public that all lane running requires a different mindset, according to the RAC Foundation. Steve Gooding, Director of the RAC Foundation, said: “We welcome this acceleration in the retrofitting programme. Whilst the casualty numbers suggest smart motorways may, overall, […]

Number of substandard road bridges on the rise again, says RAC Foundation research

The number of substandard road bridges managed by councils across Great Britain is increasing, according to new research by the RAC Foundation. Local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales have identified 3,105 bridges – defined as structures over 1.5m in span – as being substandard. This, said the RAC Foundation, was 1.6% up on the […]

Data is the key on best use of car clubs, says new report

A data sharing framework for car clubs would shed new light on how they are used in the capital and elsewhere, according to a new report by London Councils, RAC Foundation and the Urban Systems Lab at Imperial College London. London boroughs are currently working with car club operators and Transport for London to integrate car clubs into […]

Connectivity report highlights scope of existing tech

A major new report is highlighting how everyday technology already installed in vehicles or added by drivers could enable a range of connected services to be developed and deployed. It says this could make driving smoother and safer and traffic management more efficient and effective, but only if gaps in the chain between data generation, […]


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