Khan pushing ahead with Silvertown Tunnel project

Mayor Sadiq Khan is pushing ahead with construction plans for the Silvertown Tunnel in London’s East End after campaigners called for it to be scrapped on environmental grounds. London financial paper City AM reports construction of the £2bn is underway and will continue, with completion set for 2025. It will connect the Royal Docks precinct […]

Labour members in London vote to cancel Silvertown Tunnel

One of London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s flagship transport plans is being opposed by his own party in the capital. The Labour London conference has voted 74%-26% in favour of a motion to cancel the Silvertown Tunnel project despite construction only just getting underway. MyLondon reports that the motion was brought forward by local branches of […]

Experts call on London Mayor to scrap plans for Silvertown Tunnel

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan are being urged to scrap plans for the Silvertown Tunnel. A group of experts, including transport planners and academics have said the tunnel with increase road use, therefore pollution levels will rise. In a letter to Shapps and Khan, the group of 52 have called for […]

TfL may not afford to finish Crossrail

The long-overdue Crossrail line in London may never be finished because of a lack of funding. That’s the revelation from Transport for London’s Chief Financial Officer Simon Kilonback who told the organisation’s Board that only £825 million of a promised £1.1 billion of the final tranche of Crossrail funding had been received but the latest […]


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