SMMT issues seven point EV plan

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has published a new seven-point plan to ensure every driver in Britain can benefit from an electric vehicle charging network that is affordable, available and accessible to all. The plan, designed to drive collaboration between government, industry and other stakeholders, calls for mandated targets for infrastructure rollout, backed by an independent […]

National Highways publishes eCall explanation video

National Highways has published a YouTube video explaining the emergency service contact system eCall to drivers. With the line “eCall SOS could save your life. Locate the button. Know when to use it,” the video explains what eCall is, how it works and when people should use it. It was produced with support of the […]

National Highways and SMMT work on raising profile of eCall SOS in vehicles

National Highways is working with the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) to build greater awareness and understanding of eCall and eCall SOS button functions in vehicles. As of summer 2021, over 90% of newly sold cars in the UK have eCall. This built-in safety feature is automatically activated in the event of an […]

Tesla Model 3 the UK’s biggest selling car in June

The all-electric Tesla Model 3 has gone to number one in the chart for car sales in June, beating the VW Golf by more than 800 sales. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders says 5,468 Model 3s were sold last month, compared to 4,629n VW Golfs. Other top selling cars were the Ford Puma, […]

SMMT: Business better positioned than domestic users for EV adoption

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) has called for better support for private retail uptake of EVs, following new figures. The website reports that the SMMT says the data shows that businesses are twice as likely as consumers to make the switch from petrol or diesel at present. SMMT analysis of new […]

UK car production nearly halves in August

There’s more grim reading from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders about the impact of the Covid-19 restrictions on the car industry. It says production declined 44.6% in August, with just 51,039 units rolling off factory lines as efforts to ramp up production stalled amid the coronavirus crisis. It adds there is weak demand […]

Heard takes over as SMMT’s Industry Forum CEO

The consultancy and training arm of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has a new CEO. Paul Heard will take up the role at the SMMT Industry Forum on the 1 July, replacing Dr Chris Owen. For the last 20 years Hard has been in management and consultancy roles with EV Cargo, QT Consulting, […]

Record fall for new car sales in April

New car sales were down more than 97 per cent in April, to their lowest level “in living memory”. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders says new car registrations numbered just 4,321 in the month and it expects 2020 to see the lowest number of sales since 1992. It wants car dealerships to be […]


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