Scottish Government “failing in 7 out of 10” sustainability commitments

Transform Scotlands new report ‘In Reverse’, published yesterday, finds that the Scottish Government has failed to meet 7 out of 10 key commitments made over the past five years to invest in, and prioritise, sustainable transport. In Reverse reviews whether 10 crucial sustainable transport commitments made in recent years are being met. “We found that only 3 of the […]

Transform Scotland says “Dirty deals are fuelling climate and poverty failures”

Scotland’s City Region Deals are “fuelling inequality, damaging the environment and further undermining the country’s climate commitments”, according to a new report ‘Dirty Deals’, published by Transform Scptland. ore than 70% of transport infrastructure investment in Scotland’s City Region Deals – equivalent to nearly £1 billion – is funding high carbon road projects which directly undermine Scotland’s […]

Scottish pressure group calls for an end to government’s road building plan

Environmental pressure group Transform Scotland is calling for an end to the Scottish Government’s road building plans, saying that despite promises that they will tackle the Climate Emergency, Scottish Ministers intend to nearly double their spending on new roads over the next decade. Its new report says these plans are despite transport being the largest […]


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