Wayve set to take on US AV tech giants

British autonomous vehicle firm Wayve has announced that it is hiring staff who would be responsible for “supervising and directing a team of drivers and safety operators, and overseasing on-road experimentation and development” based out of Mountain View in the San Francisco Bay Area. The London-based driverless vehicle oioneers are planning to put cars on […]

Wayve: Nvidia backs UK self-driving start-up in US$1 billion funding round

Nvidia is investing in Wayve Technologies, joining a US$1.05 billion funding round for the UK start-up that wants to get its autonomous-driving technology into cars. The fundraising – one of the largest ever for a European artificial intelligence company – was led by SoftBank Group, with existing investor Microsoft putting in further funds. The valuation […]

Asda and Wayve launch UK’s largest self-driving grocery home delivery trial

Asda customers in West London can now have their shopping delivered by a Wayve self-driving vehicle as part of the UK’s largest autonomous grocery home shopping delivery trial. The year-long trial will give the supermarket the ability to autonomously deliver groceries to a catchment area of over 170,000 residents across 72,000 households in London. The […]

Driverless innovator Wayve could move abroad over UK testing rules

The driverless vehicle maker Wayve is reported to be looking at testing its systems abroad because of delays in enacting new UK laws allowing advanced trials of the technology. The Telegraph reports that the company, which is backed by Microsoft and Sir Richard Branson, said the lack of rules allowing driverless car companies to test […]

Wayve announces $200 million investment to deploy next-gen AVs

London-based autonomous mobility start-up Wayve has received $200 million (£148 million) of Series B funding from a group of global financial and strategic investors. This latest round of funding brings total equity raised to over $258 million (£189 million) since inception, which the company says reinforces its position as a leader in autonomous driving, pioneering […]

Ocado invests in Wayve to further driverless deliver ambitions

The grocery delivery company Ocado is investing £10 million in self-driving technology startup Wayve. Reuters and other news outlets report the companies are planning a partnership to develop autonomous grocery deliveries that can “handle tough traffic on busy city streets”. Wayve’s technology will be used in an autonomous delivery trial using a number of Ocado delivery […]

Asda planning driverless delivery trial

The supermarket giant Asda has announced it’s going to trial autonomous vans as part of its last mile delivery operation. It’s working with UK-based autonomous mobility start-up Wayve on the trial which will begin in early 2022. Asda will be the first to commercially test the solution, using Wayve’s expertise in deep learning to help […]


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