TfL launches Cycle Sundays initiative 

Transport for London (TfL) is launching a major new programme of leisurely cycle routes and support to encourage Londoners who are new to cycling to explore the capital by cycle on Sundays. TfL Cycle Sundays, which has been developed in collaboration with leading cycling organisations, aims to offer beginner friendly journeys for Londoners, backed up by a range of support to make it even easier to try out cycling for the first time. Leisure cycling provides people with an easy and sustainable way to maintain their mental and physical wellbeing and build up confidence.

The routes have been selected by TfL and a range of partners including British Cycling, Cycle Sisters, JoyRiders, London Cycling Campaign, Sustrans and Wheels for Wellbeing, and include park rides in Greenwich and Battersea, an accessible cycle tour of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, a loop through parks in Haringey and many more spanning the capital. The routes give cyclists of all abilities a choice of leisure routes up to ten miles long on quiet roads and paths.

A full list of routes can be found on the TfL Cycle Sundays website, which also offers cycling discounts, links to cycling organisations and their events and access to our free online Cycle Skills course for new cyclists or anyone who needs a refresher to get cycling again.

TfL has partnered with Strava for another easy way to access and track leisure routes across London. There will be leisurely, easy to follow cycle routes across London for cyclists of all backgrounds and abilities, available in the TfL Cycle Sundays Club in Strava. Accessing the routes through Strava will enable riders to see the map in real time with directions, track their route length, see the route difficulty level, elevation levels and how busy the road is. Downloading Strava is free to use and joining the TfL Cycle Sundays club will enable people to connect with friends and other cyclists.


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