Wales gets extra funding to support transport companies

Wales is to receive an additional £64.5 million to help transport companies across the nation, as a result of the UK finding allocated to Transport for London recently. The funding is as well as the UK-wide measures that the people and businesses in Wales can access, such as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the Self-Employed Income […]
Road condition surveys could help councils with cycling and walking plans

Detailed video surveys (like the one featured below) conducted on roads in the UK could help highway and transport planners to speedily re-allocate their road space for cyclists and pedestrians. This fence-to-fence roadscape data provides invaluable information for makinge the necessary changes to the network to accommodate the latest modifications required to encourage more cycling […]
Siemens wins traffic signals contract in the Midlands

Siemens Mobility has been awarded a significant traffic signal maintenance contract by a consortium of three councils, Warwickshire, Coventry and Nottingham. The five-year contract, which started at the beginning of April, represents a continuation of the work that the company has successfully been carrying out for over 20 years in Warwickshire and Nottingham. In the […]
Worries grow, but so do new business opportunities across ITS sector

A second survey of members of the UK’s Intelligent Transport Society suggests that a growing proportion of private companies are worried about their future in a post-Coronavirus world, but that they have had success in generating new business. After ITS (UK) surveyed members in March, the same questions were shared again six weeks later to […]
Speeding on UK roads still increasing during lockdown

One person was killed and 18 seriously hurt on Leicestershire’s roads during the first few weeks of lockdown and various other local authorities have reported several cases of excessive speeding. The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership said traffic levels had fallen to more than half since lockdown but that that fall had not […]
Highways England invests in North Somerset walking and cycle path

Highways England has invested £1.3 million for a North Somerset Council project to create a new mile-long walking and cycling path between Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon, to the west of the M5. The benefits will not only reduce traffic around M5 Junction 21 and on the motorway, but also bring about a growth in the use […]
Midlands Future Mobility project goes live

Finding out how autonomous vehicles interact with existing road infrastructure will be tested later this year in the West Midlands as part of the Midlands Future Mobility project which has now started. Approximately 188 miles of roads will form the planned routes for the testing, which includes inner-city, suburban and rural roads from Coventry to […]
RSMA wants all road marking firms to be NHSS #7 accredited

The Road Safety Markings Association (RSMA) has written to Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport, to urge that he mandate that all road marking companies applying markings to any part of the public road network must be National Highways Sector Scheme #7 certified by a UKAS accredited body. Companies audited by UKAS accredited bodies and […]