Luas Green Line extension moves into consultation stage

An extension to Dublin’s Luas Green Line to Finglas has reached the consultation stage. The 4km extension to the tram line will see four new stops added which will make the area of Luas available to 30,000 people who live within 1km of the stop. Eamon Ryan T.D., Minister for Climate Action, Communications Networks and […]

142m modular bridge supports HE’s A19 Testo’S junction improvements

A 142m modular bridge by Cleveland Bridge UK is supporting Highways England’s A19 Testo’s Junction Improvement Scheme as part of a major programme to improve journeys in the North East The bridge will take the main A19 traffic flow over the top of a roundabout. As a result, the bridge required for the scheme is […]

West Sussex Highways report strong start to new contract

West Sussex Council has reported progress with its highways contract despite it starting a few days after the pandemic lockdown. Since April 1, and despite the extra challenges Covid-19 presents, Balfour Beatty Living Places has been providing core maintenance services, such as carriageway repairs and emergency works, with Drainline Southern providing drainage cleansing and Grasstex […]

Deloitte says EV market will reach 31.1m by 2030

Deloitte has increased its market forecasting for the rapid growth of the global electric vehicle (EV) market by an additional 10 million to reach 31.1 million by 2030. It says total EV sales are still expected to reach 2.5 million worldwide in 2020.  Based on a compound annual growth rate of 29%, Deloitte’s research estimates […]

RSMA voices its concern over 60mph decision

The Road Safety Markings Association (RSMA) has voiced its concern at the decision made by Highways England to allow the speed limit within some roadworks to be increased to 60mph and urges caution in respect of how the increases are implemented. The RSMA notes that Highways England projects teams and its supply chain partners may […]

Active travel must be embedded into transport network to ensure permanent change

Investment in active travel must enable structural and behavioural changes to become a permanent part of everyday life, according to the Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT). Following the Government’s £250m emergency active travel fund back in May, local authorities across England have been installing temporary infrastructure to enable more walking […]


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