ITS (UK) reminds industry how technology makes travel safer

The UK’s Intelligent Transport Society, ITS (UK) is marking Road Safety Week by highlighting the ways its members’ innovations are reducing danger on the country’s road network. “ITS isn’t just about reducing traffic jams and offering passenger information to people,” explained ITS (UK) Secretary General Jennie Martin.  “It’s about all sorts of innovations on the […]

TTF reports traffic fell 25% on first day of English Lockdown 2

The latest Covid-19 Local Authority traffic and transport digest from the Transport Technology Forum suggest there was an immediate drop in traffic on local roads when Lockdown 2 started on 5 November. Its weekly analysis of data covering more than a hundred local authority boroughs and districts suggests that people got their travel in between […]

RSTA and IHE sign joint industry agreement

The Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) and the Institute of Highways Engineers (IHE) have entered into a Professional Development Partnership. This will see a number of distinct benefits for their respective memberships that will help forward both the highways and road surface treatments sectors.  The benefits include reciprocal discounted member access to each organisations’ training […]

ERTICO reports on 5G progress

The Europe-wide ITS organisation ERTICO has released an update on its 5G-MOBIX project, which is developing and testing automated vehicle functionalities using 5G. The research along multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites in Europe, China and Korea involves 55 organisations and companies. The project has released a joint white paper with other two European projects, 5GCroco […]

DfT working on two major data projects

The Department for Transport is working on two data projects aimed at improving how Traffic Regulation Orders and roads-related data might be easier to discover and share. Along with delivery partner Valtech, the DfT is working to deliver an Alpha project under Agile principles to explore how a TRO data publication and distribution system could […]