TfL brings forward work to improve safety at Battersea Bridge

Transport for London (TfL) has said it plans to start work on improving safety at Battersea Bridge including installing a new signalised pedestrian crossing on the north side of the bridge and a reduction in the speed limit to 20mph TfL hopes the measures will reduce road danger in the area in line with its Vision Zero […]
Three more highways companies join the Tarmac/Kier JV as winners on the TfL Surface Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework

Costain, Eurovia, FM Conway and VolkerFitzpatrick have joined the Tarmac/Kier JV as winners on the Transport for London’s (TfL) Surface Transport Infrastructure Construction Framework. The new framework will cover construction of future TfL walking and cycling schemes, including new Cycleways TfL’s red routes, which are the busiest roads in the capital, consist of just of […]
Worcestershire County Council to make ‘major’ investment into its highways and footways

A major investment of £30 million will be made to improve and maintain the county’s highways and footways in the next year. In the budget for 2021/22, which was approved in February’s Full Council meeting, the County Council made the committed to invest capital funds to further improve Worcestershire’s road and footway network. In the […]
Two large highways frameworks worth more than 1 billion to be launched soon

The Midlands Highways Alliance Plus is planning to launch a £1bn framework for highways maintenance projects in the region. The Medium Schemes Framework (MSF) Four will replace a third incarnation of the agreement, which had an estimated total value of £500m and is due to expire in July 2022. There is no upper limit on […]
WJ Group and BEAR Scotland extend their strategic partnership

WJ Group and BEAR Scotland have extended their longstanding relationship by confirming a strategic partnership on the Scottish Trunk Road Network Management Contract for the South East Unit. The partnership covers the delivery of all road marking services, including permanent and temporary markings, high friction surfacing and demarcation solutions. This means that WJ and BEAR […]