Sustainable transport and infrastructure purchasing solution puts NHS in top gear

Leading corporate services provider, NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), has launched a new ‘Sustainable Transport and Infrastructure‘ framework agreement designed to support the NHS in lowering its carbon output and achieve its 2040 carbon net zero emissions ambition. The procurement framework agreement provides the NHS with a simple way to find and appoint the services of […]
Over £5million investment to support local bus services in Nottinghamshire

Residents across the county are to benefit from an improved, more integrated bus network and new Nottsbus on Demand services. Following the outcome of the county council’s bus network review, over £5million will be invested to support, improve and deliver new bus services across the county with a clear focus on reconnecting communities and protecting […]
Doncaster supports safe speeds campaign

City of Doncaster Councill is backing a national campaign to promote everyone’s right to safe and healthy journeys. Road Safety Week, organised by the charity Brake, aims to reduce the number of people killed or injured as the result of a collision. The theme for 2023 is speed and members of the South Yorkshire Safer […]
TTF Autumn update presentations online

Presentations are now online from this year’s Transport Technology Forum Autumn Update, which took place Tuesday 14 November 2023, at the IET Austin Court in Birmingham. The event heard from officials from the Department for Transport about the latest policy around Transport Technology and what it means for the sector, including the new £70 million […]
Average Speed Cameras praised for making “a huge difference to safety”

The head of a parish council in Bedfordshire has told how the introduction of average speed cameras into his village on the A5 have changed driver behaviour. Chair of Hockliffe Parish Council, Robert Scott, was reacting to the fact more than 1,200 drivers were caught in just one week by the Jenoptik scheme between Dunstable […]
Yunex Traffic’s enforcement solutions for Manchester City Council will reduce delays and improve traffic flows

Manchester City Council is the latest authority to award Yunex Traffic a contract to supply and maintain an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) civil enforcement camera solution to detect and enforce moving traffic contraventions. The contract is initially for a three-year period, with an option to extend by a further two years, and aims to […]
Nick Reed wins research prize at Self-Driving Industry Awards

Leading UK expert on driverless vehicles, Prof Nick Reed has won the hashtag#Research category at the inaugural Self-Driving Industry Awards, organised by Cars Of The Future. This recognition of his Rees Jeffreys Road Fund-supported project through his company Reed Mobility, entitled “Self-Driving But Guided By People: How to make automated vehicles ethical”. The report highlights […]
Valerann wins 13th Sacyr Foundation Global Innovation Award

British data analytics company Valerann has won the the road category, and been named the overall winner of the 13th Sacyr iChallenge. The recognition was presented by the Sacyr Chairman at the awards ceremony in Madrid. The Sacyr iChallenges is an open innovation programme, described as “a living space where innovation, technology and collaboration with […]
IET welcomes Autumn Statement apprenticeship recognition, but ADEPT calls it disappointing for public services

The Institution of Engineering and Technology has welcomed the Government’s recognition of engineering apprenticeships in the Autumn Statement, and how they are important to fill critical skills gaps in the UK innovation and technology sector. Head of Policy Stephanie Baxter said that in addition to the £50m investment through the Apprenticeship Growth Sector Pilot announced […]
Six Scottish places get Levelling Up funding for regeneration and transport

Six regeneration and transport projects across Scotland are set to receive almost £122 million from the third round of the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund. Proposals for Moray, North and South Ayrshire, South Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish borders have each been awarded a share of the fund, which will see upgrades […]