Survey reveals that most adults in the UK do not think there is a ‘war on motorists’

A survey of more than 2,000 adults in the UK, has found that most do not believe there is a ‘war on motorists’ due to measures like low-traffic neighbourhoods and revealed broad support for improvements to public transport. Conducted by More in Common and the IPPR think-tank, the survey covered a representative sample of people in terms […]
Micro-asphalt brings big benefits to local roads in Lincolnshire

Over 50 residential roads will benefit from £500,000 of micro-asphalt surface treatment works in April. Residential roads across the county are getting a super-efficient and effective surface dressing designed specifically for suburban areas. Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways, said: “Micro-asphalt surface treatment is a preventative measure that seals in the existing road surface. This […]