Roadside Technologies launches Vecta – a next-gen hazardous object detection product

The Chesterfield-based roadside equipment maker Roadside Technologies has announced its latest innovation hazard object detection.

The patent-pending Vecta uses 3D and AI technology to deliver precision real-time alerts in roadworks zones, integrating with existing CCTV systems and mobile variable message signs, to create an intelligent traffic ecosystem.

Roadside Technologies says this is the latest unveiling in a portfolio of products and technology offerings that prioritise innovation, safety and sustainability.

Vecta utilises advanced 3D point cloud data – sets of data points that represent 3D objects. These enhance automatic detection and tracking of objects on a highway or in user-specified zones, from small debris to larger hazards such as stopped vehicles. This high level of precision is designed to allow for faster incident detection and response times, along with fewer false alerts – ensuring construction workers, motorists, and other road users remain safe.

“We’re absolutely thrilled,” said Chris Moseley, Managing Director. “Roadside have led the industry for a number of years in monitoring for hazards across roadworks with our off-grid solar solutions. This latest advancement incorporates the latest technologies available to further increase safety and efficiency for motorists, and we’re proud to offer a cutting-edge tool to enhance safety protocols and reduce risks on the highway.”

Vecta’s system operates using renewable power supplies, continuing Roadside Technologies’ investment in environmentally friendly solutions. By integrating with existing monitoring setups, Vecta offers a cost-effective enhancement to existing safety systems, with the ability to detect and track all objects on the highway or in specified zones in real time.

The company says the name Vecta “is an ode to the vector concept of mathematics and physics, representing both magnitude and direction”.

Gary Bray, Commercial Director, commented, “We are thrilled to be bringing to market this step change advancement in hazard detection technology. Hazard detection in roadworks is an area Roadside Technologies is passionate about and has specialised in for several years; Vecta ensures we are leading the way again with a first of its kind to help keep everyone working on and using our road network safe.”
Vecta will be available for demonstration at Highways UK, where attendees can witness first-hand how this revolutionary system is set to transform highway safety.

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