A statement from JAG (UK) Chief Executive-Dave Capon

Dear Colleagues,

These are strange and tough times testing the strength of us all. Family friends and work colleagues facing isolation and some uncertainty. However, our strength, resolve and collective will to move forward and make things better will see us through this, of that I have no doubt.
JAG(UK) is working closely with all agencies involved in managing the effects of the restrictions and supporting industry where it can. This is an industry wide support role
working closely with Utility and Highway colleagues to try and maintain services and preparing for changes as the crisis unfolds. The industry has solid framework
legislation, but we need to be agile, consistent and transparent in our thinking and delivery. Here at JAG(UK) we are beginning to rethink our strategies in community connection and harnessing the technology to reach authorities and industry in a more consistent and transparent way. Regular meetings are taking place and information to the community has been well received. Meetings both individually, regionally and
nationally are taking place using technology without the need to travel, increasing efficiency and connectivity.
Thanks to the whole industry for their patience and their efforts in keeping things moving, keeping communities connected, delivering services and working together for
the common good.
If you are experiencing any difficulties or have any concerns, please let us know as JAG(UK) remains open for business and will continue to support you both through the current crisis and the recovery transition back to normal work levels
Well done all and thank you,

David Capon


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