Active travel and Air Quality Action Plan refresh in Medway

Residents are being invited to have their say on Medway Council’s updated Air Quality Action Plan.

An Air Quality Action Plan looks the current air quality, as well as what measures and policies can be put in place to continue to improve it. We want to hear from everyone who lives, works, visits or studies in Medway to help shape the updated action plan.

The proposed plan will cover the Pier Road, Gillingham; High Street, Rainham and Central Medway Air Quality Management areas.

September also marks Catch the Bus Month, and World Car Free Day falls on Sunday, 22 September. To celebrate, there will be a free bus travel weekend in Medway.

All bus journeys which start in Medway will be free until 8pm on both Saturday, 21 September and Sunday, 22 September.

The free bus weekend in funded by the government through the Bus Service Improvement Plan. Find out more about the free bus weekend

Cycle to school week

Hot on the heels on World Car Free Day, Cycle to School Week gets into gear from Monday, 23 September and finishes on Friday, 27 September.

The national campaign from Bikeability encourages active and sustainable journeys to school. Whole schools, classes or individuals can sign up to make their pledge and receive a free resource pack to help them celebrate Cycle to School Week.

Find out more and sign up to Cylcle to School Week

Fantastic to see free bus travel returning

Cllr Simon Curry, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change and Strategic Regeneration, said: “It is exciting to see all of this happening over the next few weeks. I would encourage as many people as possible to have their say on the upcoming Air Quality Action Plan consultation – it’s important we work with as many stakeholders as possible help improve air quality in Medway.

“One thing that we can all do to help improve air quality is to use public transport wherever we can. It’s fantastic to see free bus travel returning to Medway for a weekend – and I hope as many of our residents as possible are able to take advantage of it.”

Encourage active travel wherever possible

Cllr Alex Paterson, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Highways and Enforcement, said: “It is great to see another free bus weekend in Medway. Travelling by bus is a great alternative which can help to tackle congestion, but it is also a greener way to travel compared to driving your own car.

“The upcoming Cycle to School initiative is also something we are proud to support – we always look to encourage active travel wherever possible. By encouraging our children and young people to get involved in competitions like this, it helps to positively reinforce these good habits from a young age that they can take with them through the rest of their life. Good luck to everyone who will be taking part!”


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