American Government official details Chinese connected car ban

The United States National Economic Advisor has told carmakers in the “Motor city” of Detroit in Michigan that the Biden administration is pressing ahead with plans to ban Chinese components from Connected Vehicles in the country.

At a gathering at the Detroit Economic Club, Lael Brainard told attendees from the motor industry that “China has taken steps to dominate the future of connected vehicles by dominating the software and hardware systems associated with those cars”. But he then warned that “connected vehicles with Chinese software and hardware systems could expose the American people to new risks. Without the appropriate safeguards in place, sensitive data on Americans could be passed to Chinese authorities, or connected vehicles might provide a backdoor for malicious foreign actors to engage in espionage or sabotage.”

He then announced that “Today, the Department of Commerce is using its ICTS (Information and Communications Technology Services) authorities for the first time to propose a new rule that would ban vehicles that rely on Chinese software and hardware from driving on American roads.”

Concluding that section of his speech, he said: “In effect, this rule will protect against potential vulnerabilities while allowing Americans to benefit from all that connected vehicles and technological innovation have to offer.”

Read the full speech here.

(Picture – Yay Images)


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