Roads service budget of more than £10million approved by Aberdeen City Council

A roads service budget of £10.684million was today agreed this week Aberdeen’s roads to cover road and pavement repairs, safe routes to schools, lighting improvements, repairs to bridges, and flooding and coastal protection. Aberdeen City Council’s Net Zero, Environment, and Transport Committee approved the capital budget for the service which also includes money for signage, […]

Green Party announce ‘greener, fairer’ transport policies as part of its manifesto

The Green Party has announced a raft of ‘fairer, greener’ transport policies as part of its 2024 Election Manifesto. It said: “Our transport choices account for around a quarter of carbon emissions, so it’s vital to make it easier to opt for greener choices. Yet public transport provision continues to decline, often leaving those on […]

Vaisala enhances intelligent winter road maintenance with innovative hybrid road network solution

Winter service specialist, Vaisala, has launched a modular winter road maintenance solution which is set to reduce cost, minimise environmental impact and increase safety. Vaisala’s hybrid road network solution harnesses the power of accurate observations fueled by Vaisala’s road weather stations, IoT, and mobile sensors. This approach combines local sensor data with unmatched forecasting intelligence models and […]

Surrey County Council to spend an extra £8.5 million on surface dressing

An extra £8.5m is to be spent on surface dressing in the largest even programme to be undertaken in Surrey. Work will be carried out over the summer on 85 miles of road, covering 100 routes through the county. Lucy Monie, Surrey County Council’s Director of Highways and Transport, said: “We understand the state of […]

Safer urban roads with expansion of 20mph limit in Aberdeen

A consultation is to be held on the potential of hundreds more streets across Aberdeen becoming safer with the expansion of a 20mph speed limit into built-up areas. The Council’s Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee today approved the move after a report to members said evidence shows that if you hit a pedestrian at […]

Labours says it will fix a million potholes a year in England

The Labour Party has said it would give “multi-year funding settlements to local leaders” to fix roads, if it was to be elected into Government. Its election manifesto, released tomorrow (13th June), said the extra money for roads would end what it described a ‘sticking plaster’ approach to repairs over the last decade. Earlier this […]

New survey shows 48 of total 99 fatal collisions in London were caused by speeding

A new survey by car lease specialists has revealed that 48 of 99 fatal collisions in London were caused by speeding. Since the 20 mph speed limit was implemented on over half of London roads, nearly one in four cars have been slapped with speeding fines – tickets issued for 20 mph offences have increased by 700% since 2018, said […]

National survey to ask Portsmouth residents views on transport

Portsmouth City Council is one of 96 local authorities across the country participating in the National Highways and Transport Public Satisfaction survey. A questionnaire will be sent to a random sample of 4,500 Portsmouth residents from 7 June, with local and national results to be published in late October 2024. People receiving the survey are […]


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