West Midlands e-scooter trial to start next week
The trial of e-scooters in the West Midlands will start next week, according to the West Midlands Combined Authority, with Swedish company Voi appointed as
The trial of e-scooters in the West Midlands will start next week, according to the West Midlands Combined Authority, with Swedish company Voi appointed as
Oxford City Council has set out plans to ‘go significantly further’ than the current legal target for air pollution to improve the health of those
Technology company Fleetondemand will provide its Mobillio mobility platform as part of a Scottish Highlands trial to link all modes of transport through one smartphone app.
Clearview Intelligence’s Managing Director, Nick Lanigan, talks to Adrian Tatum about how he has taken the time during lockdown to review the direction of the
The city of Glasgow’s been granted £4 million extra to spend on changing its transport network to leave more space for people to move about.
A new study of Transport for London data suggests that road traffic levels in the capital are back to normal. The Centre for London’s analysis
It is now the perfect time for city authorities to use modelling to rethink their public transport strategies, a leading industry podcast has heard. Martin
New figures suggest that the number of cyclists punished in London for breaking rules such as riding through a red light or on the pavement
Researchers at America’s Morgan State University in Baltimore have installed a simulator to accurately research how drivers and cyclists interact on different types of road.
A bus garage is being upgraded to become the world’s largest vehicle-to-grid trial site, running as a virtual power station when they are not in
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