Clearview Intelligence acquire UK rights to wearable social distancing solution

Clearview Intelligence has purchased the rights from Levett Business Services (LBS) to distribute the EGOpro Social Distancing Solution in the UK.

As part of the deal, LBS owner Neil Levett – who had marketed the products under his brand – will work with Clearview on the promotion and installation of the electronic wearable social distancing tags with their track-and-trace capabilities.

The wearable tag alerts people when they get too close to a colleague and log any interactions that do take place so that if a staff member were to show Covid-19 symptoms, everyone who has come into close contact with them can be warned, and self-isolate or take a test as necessary.

“The reaction I got from companies when I showed them the tags was overwhelmingly positive,” explained Levett.  “However, my small team simply did not have the bandwidth to market the solution and service the clients in a timely and efficient manner.  Clearview Intelligence has both the skills and resources as well as being a respected technology based business in the highways industry, so I know they will make a superb job of delivering this vital product to British industry.”

The tags are already being used at a number of locations including the Blackwall Tunnel, on the TransPennine rail route upgrade and nationwide, multi-site mineral contractor. Clearview are very close to making public another contract which is exceptionally high profile.

“This is a great solution,” said Nick Lanigan, Managing Director of Clearview Intelligence.  “When Neil showed it to us, we realised it not only is the perfect way of keeping people safe while we need to socially distance, but also has terrific long-term uses as a people-plant interface safety device.  We saw the potential and realised that adding our resources to Neil’s undoubted entrepreneurial skills would be a great match.  We have a very high-profile contract already in the pipeline and think other companies will realise just how vital this solution will be.”

Levett added, “the social distancing tags not only make sense from a health and safety perspective, but for a company’s bottom line too.  They reduce the likelihood of the virus transmitting through a workforce, and if a case does come up, only those known to have come into contact need be concerned.  That way a company is far more likely to keep its sites open and avert a costly two-week shutdown for isolation.”

The electronic tags, manufactured by AME International of Florence, Italy, work via Ultra Wide Band Technology, which allow for highly sensitive detection, down to centimetre accuracy with the wearer receiving an audible and visual warning when they are within the unsafe zone of another tag.

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Picture: Neil Levett, left, Nick Lanigan, right.


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