DfT announces emergency active travel fund local authority allocations

The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced the emergency active travel fund local authority allocations.

This follows the announcement on May 23rd by the department that extra money was available to help with protecting and increasing transport services, level up infrastructure and regenerate local economies after coronavirus. Before that, earlier in May, the DfT also announced it would be allocating local authorities a share of £225 million to help create opo-up and permanent cycle lanes and reallocate road space.

News of the allocations confirms the support of local transport authorities to produce cycling and walking facilities, the funding is in 2 tranches with the first one supporting the installation of temporary projects for COVID-19 and the second, the creation of longer-term projects.

The DfT says that the amounts listed are indicative only and are likely to vary. Before receiving any funding, authorities must submit satisfactory plans to the department. Authorities listed as receiving zero funding come under a combined authority. It is expected that combined authorities will submit plans on behalf of their constituent authorities.

Formula is based on census data: all residents aged 16 and over in employment who use public transport as their usual method of travel to work

Outside of London a total of £200 million has been awarded with £40 million in tranche 1 and £160 million in tranche 2. In terms of regions, the south east was the biggest winner having been allocated over £45 million over the two tranches, with the north west receiving £35.54 million and the east of England £30.3 million.

The West Midlands ITA received the most in terms of the combined authorities with £17.23 million, followed by the Greater Manchester CA with £15.8 million.

Essex County Council is in line to receive £9.68 million, Surrey County Council £8.48 million and Hertfordshire £8.4 million.


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