DfT opens MaaS Code of Practice consultation

The Department for Transport is seeking the industry’s views on the content that could be included in a mobility as a service code of practice.

It is looking to create MaaS code of practice could be used to provide guidelines for new entrants to the market and incumbent MaaS platform providers to aid navigation around the relevant legislation, as well as support new businesses in the MaaS industry to make decisions in line with government goals.

It also thinks the Code of Practice would encourage MaaS platform providers to include carbon data for each route offered, helping consumers choose lower carbon journeys, provide best practice examples of MaaS solution and assist local authorities in developing or considering MaaS platforms to operate in their areas, developing local solutions that build on nationally agreed standards.

It is now looking for feedback to gain further evidence on the development of the content of the code of practice. More details are here.

To respond, click here.

The consultation closes on 3 May.

(Picture – University of Wolverhampton)


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