Dundee City Council to consider new net zero initiatives

Dundee City Council’s commitment to tackle climate change and reach net zero carbon emissions by 2045 is being underlined with a number of sustainable transport initiatives.

The Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee will consider a fleet procurement sourcing strategy, which details how the current fleet of around 770 vehicles is reviewed and how vehicles are prioritised for replacement.

Councillors will be told that the council aims to reduce its emissions from plant and vehicles and where economically viable will seek to procure the most efficient solution available.

The local authority uses a number of national procurement frameworks for the supply of vehicles and plant.  These identify compliant items and provide optimum value for money and an expansive reach in terms of market suppliers featuring on the frameworks. 

Meanwhile, the committee will consider tenders for staff and visitor cycle parking at the Dundee Independent Living Centre and cycle and scooter racks at Blackness Primary School.

Councillors will be asked to approve tenders for the works, which will cost around £19,000 in total for the two projects.

Committee convener Councillor Steven Rome said: “The council has a direct responsibility to tackle Climate Change and cut carbon emissions.

“It is important that we take action through the procurement of our fleet, and also by encouraging people to make active travel choices.

“The supply of this cycle and scooter parking is a simple way to do that and make it more feasible for people and pupils to cycle to work and school.”


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