Fife Council seeks views on Electric Vehicle Charging strategy

Fife Council’s Roads and Transportation Services are seeking views on the proposed Fife Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Strategy.

In 2020, the Scottish Government pledged to phase out new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030. In support of the EV transition, the public sector in Scotland has led the provision of charging infrastructure.

Since 2013, Transport Scotland have invested in a national base network of charge points, with the aim of making EV charging accessible for all.

Working with regional public and private sector partners to deliver EV infrastructure, the consultation outlines a key action of the Local Transport Strategy for Fife (2023-2033) to develop a Public EV Strategy & Expansion Plan, and enable private sector partners to install and operate electric vehicle charging points.

Susan Keenlyside, Service Manager, Sustainable Transport and Parking, said: “The EV Charging Strategy looks to address the expected growth in the number of electric vehicles across Fife. 

“As we move towards the phasing out of new petrol and diesel vans and cars, there is a need to increase the number of charge points in Fife to accommodate this. 

“These public EV charging points will help make sure that electric vehicles are an accessible transport option for Fifers.”



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