Free travel considered to bring people back to Central London

Visitors into the middle of London could get their first journey free in an attempt to stimulate demand for travel in the capital again.

ITV reports that The First Ride Free scheme, deemed the public travel equivalent to the Eat Out to Help Out initiative rolled out nationwide during August, is being considered by Transport for London. The scheme could offer free tickets for trains, buses and the Tube to members of the public who have not gone into central London since being urged by the Government in March to stay home and avoid public transport.

Although bus use is rising slowly, there are still fewer than half the number of journeys compared to the same time last year, while tube rides are down nearly 70%.

A TfL spokesperson told ITV, “This is one of a number of options that are being considered to help encourage people back into central London in the coming months. No final decisions have been made and any option would need to be delivered with Government support, and agreed with them as part of ongoing discussions about our finances.”

(Picture shows current rush hour on the Circle Line, taken in September 2020)


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