Gaist, Safecote and NIRA combine to exhibit at Cold Comfort, Harrogate

NIRA and Safecote will be hosting a stand (C27) alongside Gaist representatives at the upcoming Cold Comfort Harrogate event– which attracts leaders and policymakers from across the highways, technology and engineering sectors related to winter service provision.

The event, held at the Harrogate Convention Centre, on 25th and 26th May, will be one of the first at which the winter-focused and broader climate focused highways communities will meet in person.

In addition to examining the instrumental role of new and existing technology in modern winter road network management, topics including decarbonisation, resilience and connected roads will also be explored. A welcome address will be given by Matt Eglinton, Head of Local Highways Maintenance, Innovation, and Resilience at the Department for Transport.

Gaist are working together in a number of data sharing partnerships, including with NIRA and Safecote, which are set to transform approaches to the maintenance of the network This ground-breaking tie-up will support highways authorities to take their winter maintenance service to the next level by enabling them to understand, in real-time, the condition and performance of roads across their network

The role of this cutting-edge technology in boosting road safety and winter maintenance strategy will be presented at Cold Comfort, discussing the impact and potential of the technology on their winter maintenance activities in 2021/22.

The presentation, entitled ‘Using vehicle data to inform winter service’ will feature Kiley Cudworth, Senior Asset Management Technician for Highways, Derby City Council and Richard Stacey, Assistant Network Manager (Winter Operations), Hertfordshire County Council. It takes place on Wednesday 25th May at 12:15 in the Main Presentation area. Kiley and Richard will explore the ‘real world’ positive impacts that advancements in vehicle sensor technology are having on our roads and how rich datasets and the effective use of data analytics are providing a depth of intelligence about our road infrastructure that has never before been available.

Winter 21/22 saw a number of local authority early adopters like Derby City Council and Hertfordshire County Council trial the technology and the data proved useful in spite of a mild winter across the UK. For 22/23, the partners are looking to extend the scheme to explore further the potential of the technology and welcome Local Authorities to the stand (C27) for a demonstration of how the data has been used in winter service provision to date.

Gaist’s data-driven approach to road management and its exploitation of technology to provide a next-level of insight and intelligence about our critical infrastructure has positioned it as a highly respected and influential disruptor alongside partners Safecote and Nira.

It is further cementing its position with its GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMME. By layering its own data with datasets from other ‘best in class’ organisations from across the asset management, data and mobility sectors, Gaist are able to provide an even richer depth of intelligence to Local Authorities and the wider highways sector.

Come by Stand C27 for a coffee & a chat. You can also contact STEVE.COBB@GAIST.CO.UK and CHRISTINA.LIASSIDES@GAIST.CO.UK who will be present for the full conference to arrange a catchup.


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