Graduated Driving Licence Bill brought before Parliament

The RAC’s road safety spokesperson’s Rod Dennis has issued a statement after a new Bill was presented to Parliament by Kim Leadbeater MP on Graduated Driving Licences.

“The tragic statistics speak for themselves. Young drivers, especially men, are far more likely to be killed or seriously injured on our roads, so it’s high time a renewed focus was given to reducing casualties. Families up and down the country who have lost sons and daughters far too soon are looking for something to change, and graduated driving licences could well be the answer.

“Passing the practical driving test is the very first step in anyone’s driving career, but there remains so much more to learn to become a safe, proficient and confident driver. We call on MPs to back this Bill and set the wheels in motion in creating legislation that has the potential to save lives.”

(Pic – Gary Hider)


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