Here-and-now connected vehicle solutions explained in new TTF video

Following on from its successful demonstration day at the UTAC Proving Ground in Millbrook, Bedfordshire last month, the Transport Technology Forum’s SPATULA group has released a video explaining the new services users saw in live use.

The video shows a range of services that use existing cellular communications to deliver in-vehicle signage, safety solutions, real-time traffic information and Green Light Optimal Speed Advice (GLOSA) for signal timing.

These include how temporary and fixed traffic signals and road signs can be relayed into vehicles without any human intervention, and how connectivity can be used for managing traffic flow safely at roadworks. It also showed the value of maximising the use of eCall data, in which a crashed car was simulated, with details and warnings sent to emergency services and to in-car displays, while there are also two examples of in-car alerts relating to nearby emergency vehicles.

Automated vulnerable road user warnings, dynamic in-car variable speed limit updates and narrow road warnings for rural roads were also successfully demonstrated.

(Picture – TTF)


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